Sunday, October 26, 2008

the weekend...

i finally got a weekend off work but it wasnt that easy had to tell my boss i was going away because for some reason he likes to make me work instead of putting in anytime at hos own business.
okay i just realised this blog has turned into a total winger page for me so heres how my weekend went...
Friday night i was exhausted from work so i stayed home and snuggled up with my cat and watched shutter (not so good!) and the happening (so good, anything with zooey deschanel is always good!). Then saturday woke up late and went to a friends place to chill by the pool and have a few drinks which ended up with alot of drinks and getting home at about 2am, went on a bit of a road trip last night too went down the new eastlink which kinda freaked me out, because the road was just road and grass to make it a bit more interesting they built fake hotels and these weird tube things that light up personally i find it to be a waste of money. then today watched some csi and then went shopping with my sister and picked up pinks new album and of course a few dvds (catch and release and disturbia.) now im writing this and watching banditas (mmm penelope cruz!!!). and that was my weekend now ive got days of work ahead which i am not looking forward to, im thinking i might go job hunting this week im so tired of my job i need something new.

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